The Darkest Hour is an upcoming 3D American science-fiction action horror film directed by Chris Gorak and produced by Timur Bekmambetov. The American-based production depicts an alien invasion in Russia and stars Olivia Thirlby and Emile Hirsch as young people caught in the invasion. The film has a release date scheduled for December 25, 2011 in the United States and Russia.
Soundtrack list
1. I Like That (Richard Vission and Static Revenger feat. Luciana)
2. Mockba (Moscow) (Marselle)
3. Space
4. Northern Lights
5. Night Club Attack
6. The Bridge Is Out
7. Crashed
8. They're Inside
9. Now What?
10. Moscow Streets
11. Holy $h*t!
12. Here's Our Mission
13. Dusted
14. Metro Shred
15. Say Goodbye
16. Man Overboard
17. Train Yard Battle
18. Fighting Back
19. Looking Forward